Tadworth Primary School, Heathcote, Tadworth, Surrey, KT20 5RR
Tel: (01737) 354541 | Email: info@tadworthps.surrey.sch.uk

Tadworth Primary School

Tadworth Primary School

Life at Tadworth Primary School Life at Tadworth Primary School Life at Tadworth Primary School Life at Tadworth Primary School Life at Tadworth Primary School Life at Tadworth Primary School Life at Tadworth Primary School Life at Tadworth Primary School Life at Tadworth Primary School Life at Tadworth Primary School Life at Tadworth Primary School Life at Tadworth Primary School Life at Tadworth Primary School Life at Tadworth Primary School

School Uniform

We believe that school uniform plays a valuable role in contributing to the ethos of our school. The aim of our school uniform is to present a smart appearance which promotes a sense of belonging and pride in our school.  If you are in any doubt over any of the school’s expectations with regards to uniform and appearance, please speak to the Headteacher prior to making any decisions.

 Boys and Girls:

KS1 – Blue polo shirt or blue button up shirt        KS2 – Blue button up shirt with collar                                                                                                                                                      (stand up or revere for girls - not a polo shirt)

Smart, plain black school shoes (no trainers)

Tadworth reversible fleece/water resistant coats are also available if parents wish to purchase them *


Grey pinafore dress or skirt (knee length) or grey school regulation trousers

Bottle green school sweatshirt or cardigan with Tadworth badge *

White/grey socks or Black/grey tights

 Girls (Summer Uniform - optional):

Green/white check school summer dress

White socks


Grey long or short trousers

Bottle green school sweatshirt with Tadworth badge *

Grey socks

 PE Kits for boys and girls:

Green polo shirt with Tadworth logo *

White shorts

School tracksuit *

Trainers (predominantly white in colour). These are worn for outdoor PE so should be comfortable and durable

Green Tadworth PE Bag †


Shoulder length/long hair must be tied back using a plain dark green hairband or summer dress material scrunchie, or bobble. Hair should be no shorter than grade 3 and no ‘shaved-in’ designs.  


No jewellery in school except for watches which are worn at the owner’s own risk

No child is to wear earrings of any sort in school. If they do, they will not be able to participate in any outside or sport-related activity for health and safety reasons

 Coats, Bags, Water bottles:

Road safety organisations recommend that children wear bright coats to travel to and from school to ensure maximum visibility. In order to maintain a smart appearance please avoid coats with overpowering logos.

Children from Yr R to Yr 4 must have a Tadworth Book Bag† and water bottles are also available †.


House badge – all children will be given, shortly after starting school, a metal House badge. If this is lost, replacement badges can be bought from school for 30p.

Tattoos, transfers and nail polish must not be worn in school

 Items marked * are only available from Lester Bowden, Epsom or www.lesterbowden.co.uk.

Items marked † are only available from school.